
XI. Justice

Balance · Fairness · Truth

The Justice Tarot card holds profound significance in the tarot deck, representing fairness, balance, and moral integrity. Its symbolism delves into the concept of cause and effect, highlighting the consequences of our actions and the need for equitable judgment. Let’s explore the captivating symbolism behind the Justice card and uncover its timeless wisdom.

Justice Tarot Card


  • The Figure of Justice: In the center of the card stands the figure of Justice, often portrayed as a regal woman holding a sword and scales. She symbolizes fairness, truth, and moral integrity. Her presence signifies the need for objective judgment and the consequences that arise from our actions.
  • The Sword: Justice holds a sword in her hand, representing the power of reason, clarity, and discernment. It signifies the ability to cut through illusions and make just decisions based on logic and truth.
  • The Scales: Balanced delicately in Justice’s other hand are the scales, a symbol of impartiality and the weighing of evidence. The scales indicate the importance of considering all perspectives and reaching decisions that are equitable and just.
  • The Pillars: Behind Justice, there are two pillars. These pillars represent the duality of existence, with the one pillar representing darkness or ignorance and the other pillar representing light or enlightenment. Justice reminds us of the importance of seeking balance and integrating both aspects of life.
  • The Crown: Often, Justice wears a crown, symbolizing her authority and sovereignty over matters of justice. It signifies the responsibility and wisdom required to administer fair judgments and uphold moral standards.

With other cards

The Fool
A court jester, seemingly silly but acutely knowledgeable.

The Magician
A person that does not feel they need to justify their decisions.

The High Priestess
A role-model to the youth.

The Empress
A fair patroness.

The Emperor
A fair executive decision.

The Hierophant
To act for the greater good.

The Lovers
A give and take relationship.

The Chariot
Quick justice.

To be fair in the face of contention.

The Hermit
An individual that is sincere in their actions.

Wheel of Fortune
Karma rules over all situations.

The Hanged Man
Waiting for a fair outcome.

Having to pay one’s due.

The gray area of morality.

The Devil
To be placated by a person with ulterior motives.

The Tower
The collapse of things on rotten foundations.

The Star
To emerge victorious.

The Moon
To reflect on what is right and wrong.

The Sun
Honest actions lead to positive outcomes.

To be brought to account over one’s actions, both positive and negative.

The World
Social justice, to be a pillar of society.

Justice Upright

The Tarot Card “Justice” in the upright position is a card of fairness, balance, and truth. This card represents the importance of making decisions based on reason and logic, rather than emotions or biases. Let’s explore the various aspects of Justice in the upright position and what it means for us.

As a person

The person that embodies Justice in the upright position is someone who is fair, rational, and balanced. They are able to make decisions based on reason and logic, rather than letting their emotions cloud their judgment. Physically, they may have a strong presence, with a straight posture and a serious demeanor.



For single people, Justice in the upright position advises seeking balance and fairness in relationships. Don’t let your emotions overpower your rational judgment when choosing a partner. This card suggests that by seeking a partner who shares your values and beliefs, you can create a relationship that is built on a solid foundation of mutual respect and understanding.


For couples, Justice in the upright position advises seeking balance and fairness in the relationship. Don’t let one person’s needs or desires dominate the relationship. This card suggests that by creating a relationship based on fairness and equality, you can deepen your connection and create a more harmonious partnership.


When it comes to career, Justice in the upright position advises making decisions based on reason and logic, rather than emotions or biases. Don’t let your personal feelings cloud your judgment when making important career decisions. This card suggests that by seeking balance and fairness in the workplace, you can create a successful and fulfilling career.


When it comes to money, Justice in the upright position advises seeking balance and fairness in financial matters. Don’t make impulsive decisions based on emotions or biases. This card suggests that by making informed and rational decisions, you can achieve financial stability and success.


The numerological meaning of Justice in the upright position is 11, which represents spiritual enlightenment and illumination. This card suggests that by seeking balance and fairness in our lives, we can achieve a higher level of spiritual awareness and understanding.


Justice in the upright position can be used as a talisman when seeking fairness and balance in our lives. This card can remind us to make decisions based on reason and logic, rather than letting our emotions or biases cloud our judgment. By carrying Justice with us, we can tap into its energy of fairness and balance and create a more harmonious life.

Key Combinations

Justice in combination with The Emperor creates a powerful combination of leadership and fairness. Justice in combination with The Hermit suggests a need for introspection and reflection before making important decisions. Justice in combination with The Lovers represents the importance of seeking balance and harmony in love and relationships.


Justice in the upright position is a powerful and inspiring card that encourages us to seek fairness, balance, and truth in all aspects of our lives. Whether we’re seeking love, success, or financial stability, this card reminds us to make decisions based on reason and logic, rather than emotions or biases. So embrace Justice and seek balance and fairness in all aspects of your life!

Justice Reversed

The Tarot Card “Justice” in the reversed position is a card of imbalance, disharmony, and unfairness. Let’s explore the various aspects of Justice in the reversed position and what it means for us as individuals.

Justice Tarot Card

As a person

The person that embodies Justice in the reversed position is someone who may be dishonest, biased, or unfair in their dealings with others. They may have a tendency to manipulate situations to their advantage and may struggle with accepting responsibility for their actions. Physically, they may appear tense or agitated, with a sense of unease about them.



For single people, Justice in the reversed position advises taking a step back and examining any patterns of behavior that may be contributing to a lack of balance or harmony in their relationships. This card suggests that by taking responsibility for our own actions and being honest with ourselves, we can create more fulfilling connections with others.


For couples, Justice in the reversed position advises examining any power imbalances or issues of fairness in the relationship. This card suggests that by communicating openly and honestly with each other, we can address any issues and create a more balanced and harmonious relationship.


When it comes to career, Justice in the reversed position advises being cautious of any unfair or unethical practices in the workplace. This card suggests that by taking a stand for what is right and just, we can create a more positive and fulfilling work environment.


When it comes to money, Justice in the reversed position advises being cautious of any investments or financial dealings that may be unfair or unethical. This card suggests that by taking a responsible and ethical approach to our finances, we can attract abundance and prosperity into our lives.


The numerological meaning of Justice in the reversed position is 11, which represents chaos and disorder. This card suggests that we may be experiencing a period of instability or uncertainty and that it is important to focus on creating balance and harmony in our lives.


Justice in the reversed position can be used as a talisman when seeking to address any imbalances or unfairness in our lives. This card can remind us to take responsibility for our own actions and to strive for fairness and justice in all areas of our lives.

Key Combinations

Justice in the reversed position in combination with The Tower suggests a period of upheaval and instability. Justice in the reversed position in combination with The Devil represents a sense of entrapment and a need to break free from negative patterns of behavior. Justice in the reversed position in combination with The Empress suggests a need to focus on nurturing and creating balance in our lives.


Justice in the reversed position is a card that reminds us of the importance of fairness, balance, and responsibility in all areas of our lives. By taking an honest and ethical approach to our actions and dealings with others, we can create a more harmonious and fulfilling life. So, take the lessons of Justice in the reversed position to heart and strive to create a more just and balanced world for all.

As we navigate life’s complex web of choices, the Justice card serves as a guiding light, reminding us to uphold truth, make ethical decisions, and embrace the principle of balance. By aligning ourselves with the essence of Justice, we empower ourselves to create a just and harmonious existence, both within and around us. May the wisdom of the Justice card inspire us to cultivate fairness and compassion in all our endeavors.