
VII. The Chariot

Willpower · Determination · Control

The Chariot is a powerful and dynamic tarot card that represents determination, willpower, and success. Depicting a warrior riding a chariot pulled by two sphinxes, this card symbolizes the balance between opposing forces and the ability to overcome challenges. Let’s delve into the profound symbolism of The Chariot Tarot card and discover how it can empower us to take charge of our lives and achieve victory.

The Chariot Tarot Card


  • The Chariot: At the center of the card is a chariot, depicted as a vehicle drawn by two sphinxes symbolizing control, willpower, and determination. The charioteer stands confidently, holding the reins firmly, representing mastery over opposing forces.
  • The Canopy: Above the charioteer, there is a canopy with stars, symbolizing divine guidance and protection in the charioteer’s journey.
  • The Stars: The canopy is adorned with stars, representing inspiration, hope, and guidance from higher realms.
  • The Sphinxes: The sphinxes pulling the chariot represent opposing forces or energies, such as light and dark or conscious and unconscious, that the charioteer must balance and harness to move forward.
  • The Armor: The charioteer wears armor, symbolizing protection, resilience, and the need for self-discipline.

With other cards

The Fool
An out of control maniac.

The Magician
Action backed by thorough research.

The High Priestess
Getting ahead thanks to patience and virtue.

The Empress
Creative enthusiasm, great dedication.

The Emperor
To rein in one’s actions.

The Hierophant
To reassess one’s values.

The Lovers
Taking a relationship to the next level.

Using brute force to get a job done.

The Hermit
An open road, uninhibited opportunities.

Wheel of Fortune
An adaptive person, to pick up and run with it.

To have one’s shortcomings catch up with you.

The Hanged Man
To hit a roadblock.

To run out of steam, exhaustion.

To find balance between action and patience.

The Devil
Pig-headedness, to be selfish and out of touch with others.

The Tower
A trainwreck, disaster due to lack of patience.

The Star
To ride on to victory.

The Moon
To let one’s assumption run wild.

The Sun
To be recognized for one’s efforts.

To be held to account for one’s impulsive actions.

The World
A proactive leader.

The Chariot Upright

The Tarot Card “The Chariot” in the upright position is a card of victory, willpower, and self-mastery. This card encourages us to take control of our lives, harness our inner strength, and overcome any obstacles that come our way. Let’s explore the various aspects of The Chariot in the upright position and what it means for us.

As a person

The person that embodies The Chariot in the upright position is someone who is determined, ambitious, and focused. They have a strong sense of purpose and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Physically, they may have a strong and athletic build, with a confident and powerful demeanor.



For single people, The Chariot in the upright position advises taking control of your love life and being clear about what you want. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and take action towards finding the right partner. This card suggests that by harnessing your inner strength and willpower, you can attract a partner who is aligned with your values and goals.


For couples, The Chariot in the upright position advises a sense of teamwork and shared goals. Don’t be afraid to work together towards a common vision and support each other in achieving your dreams. This card suggests that by harnessing your joint strength and determination, you can overcome any obstacles that come your way and deepen your connection.


When it comes to career, The Chariot in the upright position advises taking charge of your professional life and setting clear goals. Don’t be afraid to be ambitious and work hard towards your vision of success. This card suggests that by harnessing your inner strength and willpower, you can achieve great things and become a leader in your field.


When it comes to money, The Chariot in the upright position advises taking control of your financial life and being strategic in your investments. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks and make bold financial moves. This card suggests that by harnessing your inner strength and determination, you can attract wealth and financial success.


The numerological meaning of The Chariot in the upright position is 7, which represents inner wisdom and spiritual growth. This card suggests that by harnessing our inner strength and determination, we can tap into our higher self and achieve spiritual enlightenment. The number 7 also represents intuition and creativity, suggesting that The Chariot is a card of inspired action.


The Chariot in the upright position can be used as a talisman when seeking victory, strength, and success. This card can remind us to harness our inner strength and determination, and to take action towards our goals with confidence and purpose. By carrying The Chariot with us, we can tap into its energy of self-mastery and achieve great things.

Key Combinations

The Chariot in combination with The Magician creates a powerful combination of willpower and manifestation. The Chariot in combination with The Empress suggests a journey of self-discovery and nurturing. The Chariot in combination with The World represents a sense of accomplishment and completion in achieving our goals.


The Chariot in the upright position is a powerful and inspiring card that encourages us to take control of our lives, harness our inner strength, and overcome any obstacles that come our way. Whether we’re seeking love, success, or financial abundance, this card reminds us that we have the power within us to achieve anything we desire. So harness The Chariot and become the master of your own destiny!

The Chariot Reversed

The Tarot Card “The Chariot” in the reversed position can be a challenging card to receive in a reading, but it still holds important lessons and insights for us. Let’s explore the various aspects of The Chariot in the reversed position and what it means for us as individuals.

The Chariot Tarot Card

As a person

The person that embodies The Chariot in the reversed position may struggle with a lack of direction, focus, and motivation. They may feel stuck or uncertain about which path to take, and this can lead to frustration and anxiety. Physically, they may appear tense or overwhelmed, with a lack of confidence in their body language.



For single people, The Chariot in the reversed position advises taking some time to reflect on what you truly want in a relationship. Don’t rush into anything just because you feel pressure to be in a relationship. This card suggests that by taking the time to focus on yourself and your own goals, you can attract a partner who is aligned with your true desires.


For couples, The Chariot in the reversed position advises working together to find a shared sense of purpose and direction. Don’t allow disagreements or conflicts to push you further apart. This card suggests that by focusing on your shared goals and working together as a team, you can strengthen your relationship and overcome any challenges that arise.


When it comes to career, The Chariot in the reversed position advises taking a step back and reassessing your goals and ambitions. Don’t continue down a path that isn’t fulfilling or aligned with your true passions. This card suggests that by taking the time to reflect and make a plan, you can find a career path that truly resonates with you and brings you joy.


When it comes to money, The Chariot in the reversed position advises being mindful of impulsive or reckless spending. Don’t make financial decisions based on fear or anxiety. This card suggests that by taking a step back and reassessing your priorities and financial goals, you can create a more stable and secure financial future for yourself.


The numerological meaning of The Chariot in the reversed position is 7, which represents a sense of introspection, analysis, and spiritual growth. This card suggests that by taking the time to reflect and go inward, we can find the answers and insights we need to move forward in a more aligned and fulfilling way.


The Chariot in the reversed position can be used as a talisman when we feel stuck or uncertain about which direction to take. This card can remind us to take the time to reflect and reassess our goals and ambitions before taking action. By carrying The Chariot with us, we can tap into its energy of introspection and analysis to make more informed and aligned decisions.

Key Combinations

The Chariot in combination with The Tower can represent a period of upheaval and change, but also an opportunity for growth and transformation. The Chariot in combination with The Emperor suggests a need for structure and discipline in order to achieve our goals. The Chariot in combination with The Moon can represent a period of uncertainty and anxiety, but also a time for spiritual growth and insight.


The Chariot in the reversed position may present challenges and uncertainties, but it also holds important lessons and insights for us. By taking the time to reflect, reassess our goals and ambitions, and work together as a team, we can overcome any obstacles that arise and move forward in a more aligned and fulfilling way. So embrace The Chariot, and trust that the path ahead will become clear with time and introspection.

Just like the warrior in The Chariot, we all possess the strength and inner power to navigate through life’s obstacles and emerge victorious. By embracing the energy of this card, we can harness our determination and willpower to overcome challenges and achieve our goals. So the next time you encounter The Chariot, remember to trust in your abilities and steer your life in the direction of success and fulfillment.