
VI. The Lovers

Love · Relationships · Choices

The Lovers is a tarot card that symbolizes love, relationships, and choices. It depicts a man and a woman standing under a bright sky with an angel hovering above them, indicating the divine guidance that may be present in a decision related to love. Let’s explore the meaning and symbolism of The Lovers Tarot Card and how it can offer insight into our relationships and decision-making processes.

The Lovers Tarot Card


  • The Lovers: At the center of the card, there are two figures, a man and a woman, who represent Adam and Eve, the original lovers in the Garden of Eden. They stand beneath a tree with a serpent coiled around it, symbolizing temptation and knowledge.
  • The Angel: Above the couple, there is an angel, who represents divine guidance, protection, and the spiritual connection between the lovers.
  • The Mountains: In the distance, there are mountains, symbolizing the challenges and obstacles that the lovers may face in their relationship.
  • The Clouds: The clouds above the mountains represent the uncertainties and potential difficulties that may arise.
  • The Trees: The trees in the background represent growth, stability, and the natural cycles of life.
  • The Sun: In the background, there is a shining sun, representing the warmth, light, and energy of love.

With other cards

The Fool
Puppy love, love at first sight.

The Magician
A third wheel or a wingman.

The High Priestess
Idealistic love.

The Empress
A union blessed by a matriarch, a mother in law.

The Emperor
The interference of a father-figure in a union.

The Hierophant
An official union, signing of a contract.

The Chariot
Passion unbound.

An unwavering union, loyalty.

The Hermit
To be isolated by one’s obsessions.

Wheel of Fortune
A ride or die relationship.

Willing to work through issues in a union.

The Hanged Man
Self-sacrifice in a relationship.

The end of a union.

Shared obligations, give and take in a union.

The Devil
An obsessive relationship.

The Tower
A relationship based on physical fascination.

The Star
Star-crossed lovers.

The Moon
Mutual intuitive understanding.

The Sun
A long-lived happy union, happy ever after.

To balance desires with obligations.

The World
Commitment to long-term plans.

The Lovers Upright

The Tarot Card “The Lovers” in the upright position is a card of passion, commitment, and harmony. This card encourages us to embrace our connections with others, both romantic and otherwise, and seek balance and alignment in our relationships. Let’s explore the various aspects of The Lovers in the upright position and what it means for us.

As a person

The person that embodies The Lovers in the upright position is someone who is passionate, committed, and deeply connected to those around them. They have a strong sense of empathy and understanding, and are able to communicate their needs and desires effectively. Physically, they may exude a magnetism and attractiveness that draws others towards them.



For single people, The Lovers in the upright position advises a focus on self-love and self-awareness. This card suggests that by cultivating a deep sense of love and acceptance for yourself, you will attract others who are aligned with your values and desires. This card also encourages taking the time to truly get to know potential partners and build a foundation of trust and mutual respect.


For couples, The Lovers in the upright position advises a deepening of connection and intimacy. This card suggests that by nurturing a sense of balance and harmony in your relationship, you can create a powerful and fulfilling partnership. This may involve communication, compromise, and a willingness to prioritize the needs and desires of both partners.


When it comes to career, The Lovers in the upright position advises a focus on collaboration and teamwork. This card suggests that by cultivating strong relationships with coworkers and clients, you can achieve greater success and fulfillment. This may involve finding common ground, communicating effectively, and valuing the contributions of others.


When it comes to money, The Lovers in the upright position advises a sense of balance and harmony. This card suggests that by being mindful of your spending and investing in a way that aligns with your values and desires, you can attract abundance and prosperity into your life. This may involve seeking out partnerships and collaborations that can benefit both parties.


The numerological meaning of The Lovers in the upright position is 6, which represents harmony, balance, and cooperation. This card suggests that by seeking out balance and harmony in all aspects of your life, you can achieve a sense of wholeness and completeness. The number 6 also represents a sense of responsibility and nurturing, suggesting that The Lovers is a card of deep connections and commitment.


The Lovers in the upright position can be used as a talisman when seeking to deepen connections with others, whether romantic or otherwise. This card can remind us to prioritize communication, empathy, and understanding in our relationships, and to seek out partnerships that align with our values and desires. By carrying The Lovers with us, we can tap into its energy of harmony and balance and create powerful connections with those around us.

Key Combinations

The Lovers in combination with The Empress represents a powerful union of nurturing and creativity. The Lovers in combination with The Hierophant suggests a deepening of spiritual connection and shared values. The Lovers in combination with The World represents a sense of completion and fulfillment in relationships.


The Lovers in the upright position is a powerful and inspiring card that encourages us to embrace our connections with others and seek out balance and harmony in all aspects of our lives. Whether we’re seeking love, success, or fulfillment, this card reminds us that deep connections and mutual respect are key to creating a fulfilling life. So embrace The Lovers and cultivate powerful relationships that align with your values and desires.

The Lovers Reversed

The Tarot Card “The Lovers” is a card that symbolizes relationships, choices, and decisions. In the reversed position, this card can indicate a lack of harmony, confusion, or difficult choices. However, this card does not have to be negative, as it can also represent a necessary period of growth and self-discovery. Let’s explore the various aspects of The Lovers in the reversed position and what it means for us.

The Lovers Tarot Card

As a person

The person that embodies The Lovers in the reversed position is someone who may struggle with making decisions and finding balance in their relationships. They may feel torn between two options or may have a hard time committing to a partner. Physically, they may appear anxious or uncertain.



For single people, The Lovers in the reversed position advises taking the time to reflect on your own desires and needs before seeking out a relationship. This card suggests that it may not be the right time to enter into a new partnership, as you may not be in the right headspace to make a decision that is truly in your best interest.


For couples, The Lovers in the reversed position advises taking a step back and reevaluating the relationship. This card suggests that there may be issues that need to be addressed, such as communication or trust. However, this is not necessarily a negative thing, as it can lead to a period of growth and strengthening of the relationship.


When it comes to career, The Lovers in the reversed position advises taking a step back and reevaluating your goals and priorities. This card suggests that you may be feeling torn between two options or may be struggling to find a sense of balance in your work life. It may be helpful to seek out guidance or take some time to reflect before making any major decisions.


When it comes to money, The Lovers in the reversed position advises being cautious with investments and taking the time to fully understand any financial decisions before making them. This card suggests that there may be confusion or uncertainty around finances, and it may be helpful to seek out professional advice or take some time to research before making any major investments.


The numerological meaning of The Lovers in the reversed position is 6, which represents harmony, balance, and love. However, in the reversed position, this can indicate a lack of harmony or balance. This card suggests that there may be a need to focus on finding balance and harmony in your life before moving forward.


The Lovers in the reversed position can be used as a talisman when going through a period of reflection or uncertainty in a relationship or decision. This card can remind us to take the time to reflect and make decisions that are truly in our best interest, even if they may be difficult or uncomfortable.

Key Combinations

The Lovers in combination with The Tower can represent a difficult period of upheaval and change in relationships or decisions. The Lovers in combination with The Star suggests a period of hope and healing after a difficult time. The Lovers in combination with The Hierophant represents a need for guidance and advice in relationships or decisions.


The Lovers in the reversed position is a card that can indicate a period of uncertainty, confusion, or difficulty in relationships or decisions. However, this card does not have to be negative, as it can also represent a necessary period of growth and self-discovery. By taking the time to reflect and seek guidance when needed, we can navigate this period with grace and find a sense of harmony and balance in our lives.

Whether you’re faced with a difficult choice in love or seeking to strengthen your relationships, The Lovers Tarot card can offer guidance and insight into your situation. By understanding the symbolism of this powerful card, you can tap into your intuition and make choices that align with your true desires and values. So the next time you encounter The Lovers, remember to trust in the guidance of the universe and follow your heart.