
IX. The Hermit

Solitude · Introspection · Guidance

The Hermit Tarot card is a powerful symbol of introspection, solitude, and inner wisdom. Depicting a cloaked figure holding a lantern, this card represents the journey of self-discovery and the search for deeper meaning. Let’s delve into the profound symbolism of The Hermit card and explore how it can guide us towards personal growth and enlightenment.

The Hermit Tarot Card


  • The Hermit: At the center of the card stands the figure of the Hermit, usually depicted as an old man holding a lantern. The Hermit represents introspection, solitude, and the search for inner wisdom. His hunched posture signifies the weight of accumulated knowledge and experience.
  • The Lantern: The Hermit carries a lantern, symbolizing the light of truth and enlightenment. It represents the inner illumination that comes from seeking answers within oneself and shining a light on one’s own path.
  • The Staff: The Hermit leans on a staff, signifying support and guidance. It represents the wisdom and spiritual authority that the Hermit possesses. The staff serves as a tool for navigating the inner and outer realms.
  • The Cloak: The Hermit is often depicted wearing a long, flowing cloak, representing the need for privacy, introspection, and protection. The cloak envelops the Hermit, shielding him from distractions and allowing him to focus inward.
  • The Mountains: In the background of the card, there are often rugged mountains. These mountains symbolize the challenges and obstacles one must face on the path of self-discovery and the journey towards enlightenment. They represent the isolation and inner strength required to overcome adversity.
  • The Snow: The snow on the ground symbolizes purity and a blank canvas. It represents the fresh start and the opportunity for self-reflection that the Hermit’s solitude provides.

With other cards

The Fool
An isolated philosopher.

The Magician
A reclusive genius.

The High Priestess
Platonic affection, to find a debate partner.

The Empress
A reliable advisor.

The Emperor
To seek counsel from a family friend.

The Hierophant
Asceticism, monastic living.

The Lovers
Communing with the divine.

The Chariot
Having the freedom to do what you like.

An avoidant personality, excessive caution.

Wheel of Fortune
To juggle many things.

To be humbled by a situation.

The Hanged Man
To retreat and gather one’s self.

To be self-defeating, to clam up in one’s self.

Being caught up in one way of thinking.

The Devil
A quirky eccentric.

The Tower
The man who holds all the cards.

The Star
Time to re-evaluate one’s dreams.

The Moon
To be fenced in by one’s thoughts.

The Sun
Successful solitary work.

To cut back on what is not necessary.

The World
A journey starts with the first step.

The Hermit Upright

The Tarot Card “The Hermit” in the upright position is a card of introspection, solitude, and wisdom. This card encourages us to embrace our inner guidance, trust our instincts, and take time to reflect on our lives. Let’s explore the various aspects of The Hermit in the upright position and what it means for us as individuals.

As a person

The person that embodies The Hermit in the upright position is someone who is introspective, wise, and reflective. They have a quiet and contemplative demeanor, and they enjoy spending time alone to explore their thoughts and emotions. Physically, they may have a lean and wiry frame, with piercing eyes and a thoughtful expression.



For single people, The Hermit in the upright position advises taking time for self-reflection and exploration before seeking a romantic relationship. This card suggests that by understanding ourselves better and learning to trust our intuition, we can attract a partner who aligns with our values and goals.


For couples, The Hermit in the upright position advises taking time to deepen the emotional connection with your partner. This card suggests that by exploring your inner selves together, you can cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other. It also advises avoiding external distractions and creating a space for introspection and reflection.


When it comes to career, The Hermit in the upright position advises taking time for self-reflection and examining your goals and motivations. This card suggests that by understanding your true passions and values, you can create a career path that aligns with your inner self and brings you fulfillment.


When it comes to money, The Hermit in the upright position advises taking a cautious and deliberate approach. This card suggests that by taking time to reflect on your financial goals and values, you can make wise and informed decisions that will lead to long-term prosperity and security.


The numerological meaning of The Hermit in the upright position is 9, which represents completion, introspection, and spiritual awakening. This card suggests that by taking time for introspection and self-reflection, we can achieve a sense of wholeness and completeness. The number 9 also represents a sense of spiritual enlightenment and wisdom, suggesting that The Hermit is a powerful teacher and guide.


The Hermit in the upright position can be used as a talisman when seeking inner guidance and wisdom. This card can remind us to take time for introspection and reflection, and to trust our inner voice even when the path ahead is uncertain. By carrying The Hermit with us, we can tap into its energy of wisdom and illumination.

Key Combinations

The Hermit in combination with The High Priestess creates a powerful combination of intuition and inner guidance. The Hermit in combination with The Tower suggests a time of spiritual awakening and transformation. The Hermit in combination with The World represents a sense of wholeness and completion in our spiritual journey.


The Hermit in the upright position is a powerful and inspiring card that encourages us to take time for introspection and self-reflection. Whether we’re seeking love, success, or spiritual enlightenment, this card reminds us that the answers we seek are within us. So embrace The Hermit and take time to explore your inner self, trusting that the wisdom you seek is already within you.

The Hermit Reversed

The Tarot Card “The Hermit” in the reversed position is a card that represents a need for self-reflection and introspection. Let’s explore the various aspects of The Hermit in the reversed position and what it means for us as individuals.

The Hermit Tarot Card

As a person

The person that embodies The Hermit in the reversed position is someone who may be feeling lost or disconnected from themselves. They may be struggling with their sense of identity or purpose and may feel a sense of isolation from others. Physically, they may appear withdrawn or distant.



For single people, The Hermit in the reversed position advises taking time to focus on yourself and your own needs. This card suggests that by focusing on self-reflection and introspection, you can gain clarity on what you truly want in a partner and attract the right person into your life.


For couples, The Hermit in the reversed position advises taking time to connect with your partner on a deeper level. This card suggests that by opening up and sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings, you can strengthen your bond and deepen your connection.


When it comes to career, The Hermit in the reversed position advises taking a step back and reassessing your goals and ambitions. This card suggests that by taking time to reflect on your values and priorities, you can gain clarity on your path forward and make more informed decisions.


When it comes to money, The Hermit in the reversed position advises being cautious and avoiding impulsive decisions. This card suggests that by taking time to reflect on your financial goals and priorities, you can make more informed and strategic decisions that will benefit you in the long run.


The numerological meaning of The Hermit in the reversed position is 9, which represents a sense of completion and closure. This card suggests that by taking time to reflect on your past experiences and letting go of what no longer serves you, you can move forward with a sense of closure and completion.


The Hermit in the reversed position can be used as a talisman when seeking clarity and guidance. This card can remind us to take time to reflect on our own needs and priorities and to make decisions that align with our true selves.

Key Combinations

The Hermit in combination with The High Priestess suggests a need for deeper self-reflection and inner wisdom. The Hermit in combination with The Tower represents a time of upheaval and change, but also a time of great growth and transformation. The Hermit in combination with The Star represents a time of hope and renewal, and a reminder that even in times of darkness, there is always light to guide us.


The Hermit in the reversed position is a powerful card that reminds us of the importance of self-reflection and introspection. Whether we’re seeking love, success, or clarity, this card encourages us to take time to connect with ourselves and to make decisions that align with our true selves. So embrace The Hermit and take time to reflect on your own journey of self-discovery and growth.

In the quiet moments of solitude, The Hermit Tarot card reminds us to look within for answers and guidance. By embracing introspection and connecting with our inner wisdom, we can navigate the complexities of life with clarity and purpose. So the next time you encounter The Hermit, remember to seek the light of self-discovery and embrace the transformative power of solitude on your journey towards enlightenment.